Monday, April 16, 2007

David Crowder*Band Concert on 11/10 in NYC


The almighty David Crowder*Band is having an exclusive pre-sale for their Remedy Club Tour (with Phil Wickham and The Myriad), and they have a show in NYC at the Hammerstein Ballroom on 11/10/07, which is a Saturday.

I plan on attending, and if you would like to come with me, please let me know by either commenting below or e-mailing me (

The pre-sale ends on April 30, so please try to let me know before then.  I know it's wayyy in the future, but I think it's easy to plan for a Saturday event, especially since it's DC*B.

Tickets are $25 each, and I'll take care of the small process/shipping fees.

So think about it, and let me know if you'd like to come!

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