Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hate and Love

First, a tangent.

I think I'm the only person in our entire office that wears Cons. This is kind of cool, cos it makes me cool, unique, and hip. I speak the complete truth when I say that approximately four out of every 10 people I pass everyday can't help but to glance at my shoes. Some people just flat out stare at my feet as we pass each other. I'm serious. At times it weirds me out, but mostly it makes me feel incredibly cool.

But, as with all good things in this fallen world, there is a - to accompany this wonderful +. When you go #2 in public bathrooms (at least the dastardly ones that leave the bottom 12" open for all the free world to see, about which I have a theory), your feet are inevitably and horribly exposed. This is a problem for a guy such as I (yes, I'm a part-time rapper) since I wear such awesome sneaks. Since no one else wears them, on the days that I wear my Cons and go #2 in the bathroom stalls, depending on the stall I sit in (the handicapped one in the far corner is the only safe one), everyone who walks in is likely to see my Cons and make the connection that "Ah-ha! It's that cool kid with the Cons! He's taking a dump! HAHAHAHA!."

And *poof*, just like that, my coolness factor plummets to zero.

Now, back to the point I originally wanted to make here.

I've only been at for about a month and a half, but so far I really enjoy my job there. I think most of it comes from hate.

Let me explain.

I hate spam sites. Whenever I see them, I get incredibly irritated. Why? I can't place all of my hatred into words, but it's mostly because they waste time, eat up valuable resources, are unhelpful, and some of them actually make people money.

We hates them, doesn't we Preciousss? Yes, we hates them, we hates them all!

Strangely enough, when I think about this I realize that it is this hate for spam sites that drives my love for my job. My hate for spam sites allows me to really enjoy fighting against them. My hate for spam sites fuels my love for not only my job, but the Internet as it should be, though it never will.

There are two branches that grow from this sapling.

First, my life here on earth should be like this. My hate for the fallen nature of this world...shattered families, miscarried love, poorly chosen words, disoriented hate for these things should fuel my love not only for my life here on this earth as a covert soldier for the other side, but also my love for the world as it should be, as it was created to be, though it never this lifetime. And this longing for a perfect world, for heaven, will enable me to love this present world better.

"If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." - C.S. Lewis

Secondly, I remember the words to that wonderful hymn...

See from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
- 'When I Survey the Wondrous Cross' by Isaac Watts

This idea of love's relationship with hate appears to be biblical.

"Let those who love the LORD hate evil..." - Psalm 97:10

"To fear the LORD is to hate evil..." - Proverbs 8:13

"Hate evil, love good..." - Amos 5:15

I may be assuming too much, but I think that when Christ lived his life on earth, as he was praying in Gethsemane, as he was arrested, as he had his flesh beaten, as he carried the cross, and as he was nailed to wood with cold, bitter nails, his hate for sin, disillusion, and separation fueled his love for God and His children, and for all the grace, kindness, and redemption that would flow from their reunion.

So, yes, in a sense Lucy is right. Love and hate are always at war with each other, and like Linus, many times we feel this tension. But that isn't the whole story. There is enough evidence to indicate that love and hate can actually work in beautiful unison to produce brilliant results, and along with them, joy, renewal, and peace.

This foolish notion has already been carried out to the fullest measure by God, but it remains ours to taste of it each and every day in new and stirring ways. It is part of the gracious overflow that runs so strongly through us.

May this divine paradox be evident in our minds, hearts, and lives.

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