Tuesday, August 05, 2008


"You have nothing... nothing to threaten me with... nothing to do with all your strength."

I've been sick the past couple days, and it's reminded me of just how miserably delicate my life is. We might not really think that we're invincible, but it's incredible how long we can go without remembering how short and fickle life really is. One small mishap and *poof* you're gone.

Whenever I'm sick, I think my thoughts become imbued with a certain...sickness as well. Not that I think about morbid or perverted things, but my thoughts become kind of slanted. And since The Dark Knight and the very slanted (but utterly delightful) Joker are still fresh in my mind, I remembered my favorite scene in the movie, which I've embedded above for your viewing pleasure. It is, of course, the interrogation scene.

My favorite line in this scene occurs right around the 4:32 mark, and I've quoted it above. Nevertheless, I'll reiterate it here just in case you're lazy, and because I love it so much:

"You have nothing... nothing to threaten me with... nothing to do with all your strength."

Now, of all the scenes in the film, this one gave me the most chills. I mean, what can you say to someone who says that to you, especially someone as devoid of self-significance, as reckless and completely careless as the Joker, the self-proclaimed "agent of chaos"?

At that point in the movie, after the Joker uttered that terrible line, I realized that he was right: the Batman, despite all his wealth, might, and purpose, could do nothing to the Joker. He was neutralized.

Then I flipped the situation on its head. What if it was the good guy saying that very same line to the bad guy?

For Christians, that's exactly the case. What the Joker utters with evil, empty, horrible intent is what we should be boldly, joyfully proclaiming to our enemy.

"You have nothing... nothing to threaten me with... nothing to do with all your strength."

Yes, he may very well tempt and harass us while we're still on this earth, but we must be assured of our untouchable salvation, which has been sealed for good.

We can never be threatened, and all his strength has been made impotent.

It's weird to say it, but Christians should take a line from the Joker and weave it into their everyday lives. We should say that line daily, not carelessly, but with all boldness and courage because we are assured of its truth.
It's likely that we'll be as terrible to him as the Joker is to the Batman, and for some reason that gets me excited.

1 comment:

mary said...

Wow... that's great insight.
Near reckless in Christ?

I still need to watch this movie. I have to admit that I'm a little hesitant to watch the clip because I don't want to ruin any part of the movie for myself, but it seems that I might not be able to see it in theaters at this rate!