Saturday, November 25, 2006


I hate being jaded!

Every Thanksgiving, my mom prepares a huge feast, and still I find it hard to get excited to eat it, or to be as thankful as I should for all her hard work.

I've become so indifferent to so many aspects of my life that sometimes I wonder whether or not I'm fully human.

This is why I want to be like Buddy.  He still has new, innocent, eager eyes for everything, especially Santa.

I know that Santa is coming soon.  In fact, he meets me everyday.  But why is it so hard to get excited about this?  Is this something that I should accept and roll with, or is it something that I really need to grapple with, pin down and strangle until no breath can be heard from its evil, hulking body?  It's a shell that I know must come off eventually, but I wonder if it will even crack in this lifetime.

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